In this lesson we will learn how to introduce friends and family in Chinese.
Table of Contents
Previous Lesson Review
Before we begin, please be sure to review the previous lessons:
- Lesson 1: “Hello”
- Lesson 2: Introducing yourself
- Lesson 3: Where are you from?
- Lesson 4: Friends and Family in Chinese
How to introduce someone in Chinese
To introduce someone in Chinese you simply say “this is”
这 是 。 。 。
zhè shì
This is…
If were introducing Mary we would say:
这 是 M a r y
zhè shì Mary
This is Mary
To break down this phrase:
zhè | shì |
This | is |
In addition to remembering “this is”
How to ask who someone is in Chinese
To ask who someone is in Chinese you would simply ask “this is who?”
这 是 谁 ?
zhè shì shéi?
This is who?
zhè | shì | shéi |
This | is | who |
With this we can have a simple conversation
zhè shì shéi?
This is who?
zhè shì Mary
This is Mary
If you recall from our last lesson, the way to say “Mary in Chinese is
zhè shì mǎlì
This is Mary
How to introduce your friends, family and colleagues in Chinese

How to say my and yours in Chinese
Before we can introduce people we need to learn how to say “my”, as in “my mother”, “my husband” or “my colleague”.
The Chinese word for “my” and “your” in Chinese are made up of the characters for “me”
我 的
wǒ de
你 的
nǐ de
If you’d like to know more about “de” check out our post on how to use ‘de’ in Chinese – 的, 地 and 得
Building on this, we can now say “this is my…”
这 是 我 的 。 。 。
zhè shì wǒ de
This is my…
Now we can pair this up with the words for friends, family and colleagues, we learned in the previous lesson, for example:
zhè shì wǒ de
This is my colleague
zhè shì wǒ de
This is my friend
zhè shì wǒ de māmā
This is my mother
Here is a break down of “this is my mother”
zhè | shì | wǒ de | māmā |
this | is | my | mother |
How to politely introduce someone in Chinese
If you would like to be more polite, you can instead say saying “allow me to introduce”
让 我 介 绍 。 。 。
ràng wǒ jièshào
Allow me to introduce…
We can pair this phrase with what we’ve learned before, for example:
ràng wǒ jièshào wǒ de bàba
Allow me to introduce my Dad
ràng wǒ jièshào Mike
Allow me to introduce Mike
ràng wǒ jièshào wǒ de péngyǒu
Allow me to introduce my Mum
Here is a break down of the last phrase for clarity:
ràng | wǒ | jièshào | wǒ de | péngyǒu |
allow | me (to) | introduce | my | friend |
This is the key vocabulary and phrases learned in this lesson.
Lesson key vocabulary
English | Chinese (Pinyin) |
this |
is |
who |
my |
allow |
introduce |
Lesson key phrases
English | Chinese (Pinyin) |
this is |
this is who? |
this is my… |
allow me to introduce… |
In this lesson you’ve learned how to introduce people and ask who someone is. Key points to remember are:
- There are different Chinese words for elder and younger siblings.
的 is the characer in Chinese that indicates possession, so for example it changes:- me
我 into my我 的 - you
你 into your你 的
- me
谁 is the Chinese character that means “who”. As a bonus, you could add的 to谁 to create the word “whose”谁 的 as in “whose friend is this?”这 是 谁 的 朋 友 ?
Check back for next Beginners lesson, which we’ll release soon. In the meantime, why not check out some of our other Beginners posts?