Chinese Laundry Vocabulary and Phrases

In this post I will cover laundry vocabulary and phrases, including washing, drying and ironing clothes.

Check out my related post on Chinese clothing vocabulary here.

Chinese Laundry Vocabulary

English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation Literal Translation
laundry soap zào xǐyī zào wash – clothes – soap
soap powder féizàofěn féizào fěn soam – powder
soap flakes zàopiàn zào piàn soap – flakes
detergent fěn xǐyī fěn wash – clothes – powder
ironing board tàngbǎn tàng yī bǎn iron – clothes – board
to iron (verb) yùn iron
washing machine xǐyījī wash – clothes – machine
clothing / laundry yīwù clothes – things
clothes dryer gān gàn yī jī dry – clothes – machine
clothes dryer gān gān yī jī dry – clothes – machine
washing basket lǒu xǐyī lǒu wash – clothes – basket
laundry basket lǒu / lán xǐyī lǒu/ xǐyī lán wash – clothes – basket
to fold dié dié to fold
handwash shǒu shǒuxǐ hand – wash
clothes line shàishéng shài yī shéng bask in sun – clothes – line
shirt chènshān chènshān lining – garment
dress liánqún liányīqún connect – clothes – skirt
clothes line liángfudeshéngzi liáng yīfú de shéngzi cool – clothes – cord
clothes line liàngshéng liàng yī shéng dry – clothes – line
to dry liàng liàng to dry
clothes peg jiā yī jiā cltohes – peg

Chinese Laundry Phrases

English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
I’ll iron a shirt for you láigěichèn. wǒ lái gěi nǐ yùn chènyī
I need to iron a shirt to wear tomorrow. yàoxiàmíngtiān穿chuāndechènshān. wǒ xūyào yùn yīxià míngtiān chuān de chènshān.
I need to iron a shirt for work. yàowèishàngbānjiànchèn.yàowèishàngbānjiànchèn. Wǒ xūyào wéi shàngbān yùn yī jiàn chènyī.
I have to iron my skirt. *iron deqúnziděile. Wǒ de qúnzi dé yùnle.
The washing – machine seems to have broken down again . zhètáihǎoxiàngyòuchūzhàngle. Zhè tái xǐyījī hǎoxiàng yòu chū gùzhàngle
Wash the clothing in the washing machine again zàiyòng. zàicì yòng xǐyījī xǐdí yīwù
Put the dirty clothes in the washing machine zàngfufàngjìn. bǎ zàng yīfú fàng jìn xǐyījī lǐ.
You can’t wash this shirt in the washing machine, or else it will shrink. zhèjiànchènshānnéngfàngzài,yàoránhuìsuōshuǐde. Zhè jiàn chènshān bùnéng fàng zài xǐyījī lǐ xǐ, yào bùrán tā huì suōshuǐ de.
Put them in the washing machine. menfàngdào. Bǎ tāmen fàng dào xǐyījī lǐ.
I put my laundry in the washing machine. fàngjìn. Wǒ bǎ yīwù fàng jìn xǐyījī.
The clothes dryer makes a funny noise. gānchūguàideyīn. Gàn yī jī fāchū qíguài de záyīn.
I’m folding the clothes, zàidiéfu. Wǒ zài dié yīfú
Pick up your socks and put them in the laundry basket. dezijiǎnlaifàngdàolán. bǎ nǐ de wàzi jiǎn qǐlái fàng dào xǐyī lán lǐ qù.
You should handwash these clothes yīnggāishǒuzhèxiēfu. Nǐ yīnggāi shǒuxǐ zhèxiē yīfú
The clothes on the clothes line are mine zàiliàngshéngshàngdexiēfushìde. zài liàng yī shéng shàng dì nàxiē yīfú shì wǒ de
My clothes are on the clothes line. defuzàiliàngshéngshàng. wǒ de yīfú zài liàng yī shéng shàng.
His shirt is on the clothes line. dechènshānguàzàishàishéngshàng. Tā de chènshān guà zài shài yī shéng shàng.
There is a coat and three shirts on the clothes line. liàngfushéngshàngyǒujiànwàitàosānjiànchènshān. Liàng yīfú shéng shàng yǒuyī jiàn wàitào hé sān jiàn chènshān.
Your dress is on the clothes line. deliánqúnzàiliángfudeshéngzishàng. Nǐ de liányīqún zài liáng yīfú de shéngzi shàng.
He hung up the shirt with two clothes pegs. yòngliǎngzhījiāguàshàngchènshān. Tā yòng liǎng zhī yī jiā guà shàng chènshān.