Best ways to say Goodbye in Chinese

In this post I’ll give you the best ways to say Goodbye in Chinese.

Be sure to also checkout my post on the best ways to say Hello in Chinese.

1. Goodbye / 再见 / zàijiàn

zàijiàn (zàijiàn) is the most common way to say goodbye and can be used in many situations. I recommend that those new to Chinese learn just this one.

Here is a break down of the words:

zài jiàn
again meet

As you can see 再见 (zàijiàn) literally means “again meet”, which is quite similar to “see you again” in English.

Here are some examples zàijiàn (zàijiàn):

English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
I’m afraid I’ve got to be going now. So long! kànděizǒule,zàijiàn! wǒ kàn wǒ dé zǒule, zàijiàn!
Good luck, goodbye! zhùhǎoyùn,zàijiàn! zhù nǐ hǎo yùn, zàijiàn!
I didn’t even get to say goodbye to her. shènzhìdōuméiyǒushuōzàijiàn. wǒ shènzhì dōu méiyǒu hé tā shuō zàijiàn

2. Bye bye / 拜拜 / bàibài

báibái (bàibài) is borrowed from English and is a direct phonetic equivalent of “bye bye”. This is more commonly used by Chinese native speakers who are exposed to English and Western media, so perhaps don’t use this if you are deep in rural China. It is worth pointing out that you may hear báibái (bàibài) quite commonly on the phone, as you would in English

The character 拜 (bài) itself means to pay respect or to salute, here are some other words that use this character:

  • bài (bài) is used in the word for “Dubai” (díbài) which is itself a phonetic translation of “Dubai”
  • bàihuì (bàihuì) means to pay and official visit, for example “He called on his teacher” bàihuìdelǎoshī (tā bàihuì tā de lǎoshī)
  • bài (bàifó) means to pray to Buddha and you might see it used in sentences such as “Today I’ll go and pray to Buddha” jīntiānbài (wǒ jīntiān qù bàifó)

Here are some examples of báibái (bàibài):

English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
Okay, I‘ve got to go (hang up), byebye. Thanks! hǎode,yàoguàle,báibái.xièxie. hǎo de, wǒ yào guàle, bàibài. xièxiè nǐ.
Sorry, I can’t talk now. Byebye! duìbu,néngshuōle.báibái. duìbùqǐ, bùnéng hé nǐ shuōle. Bàibài.
I’ll go. Byebye。 la,báibái! wǒ qù la, bàibài!

3. Keep in touch / 再联系 / zài liánxì

zàilián (zài liánxì) means “keep in touch” and is aother common way of saying goodbye in Chinese. Of course you wouldn’t say this to someone who you don’t intend on seeing again! Here is a break down

zài liánxì
again / once more contact / get in touch

Here are some example sentences for zàilián (zài liánxì):

English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
I’ll see you next time. xiàzàilián. wǒ xià cì zài liánxì.
Don’t contact me. Goodbye! yàozàiliánle,zàijiàn! bùyào zài liánxì wǒle, zàijiàn!
Thank you for calling. Please call again. xièxieláidiàn,huānyíngzàilián. xièxiè láidiàn, huānyíng zài liánxì.
l wiII taIk to you soon, okay. huìzàiliánde,hǎode wǒ huì zài liánxì nǐ de, hǎo de.

4. Bon Voyage / 一路平安 / yīlù píngān

píng'ān (yī lù píng ān) is the equivalent of “Bon Voyage” in English, which itself is a saying of French origin meaning “good journey”. píng'ān (yī lù píng ān) should only really be used if someone is going on a long journey for a long period of time and using it when this isn’t the case would be a bit melodramatic. Broken d Here is a Perhaps don’t use 一路平安 unless you are bidding someone who is going on a long trip farewell.

Here is a break down of píng'ān (yī lù píng ān):

一路 平安
yīlù píngān
whole journey safe and sound

These are some example sentences for píng'ān (yī lù píng ān):

English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
I wish you (hope you have) a safe journey. wàngpíng'ān. xīwàng nǐ yīlù píng’ān.
I wish you a safe journey home. zhùpíng'āndàojiā. zhù yīlù píng’ān dàojiā.
I wish you a nice trip, safe journey home. zhùnínxíngkuài,píng'ān. zhù nín lǚxíng yúkuài, yīlù píng’ān.

5. See you again / 再会 / zàihuì

zàihuì (zàihuì) is the equivalent of saying “until we meet again” or “see you later”. This isn’t so common, as some of the other farewells. You will also commonly hear zàihuì (zàihuì) used on the phone. Here is a break down of the characters:

again meet
zài huì

Here are some sample sentences of 再会 (zàihuì) in action:

English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
Shall we call it a day? See you. xiǎngmenjīntiānjiùtándàozhèba,zàihuì. wǒ xiǎng wǒmen jīntiān jiù tán dào zhèlǐ ba, zàihuì.
I have to go, see you later. děizǒule.zàihuì. wǒ dé zǒule. Zàihuì.
See yo unext time. xiàzàihuì. xià cì zàihuì.

6. See you tomorrow / 明天见 / míngtiān jiàn

míngtiānjiàn (míngtiān jiàn) is a common way of telling someone that you’ll see them tomorrow. Here is a break down of the words:

míngtiān jiàn
tomorrow (to) meet

Here are some example sentences for míngtiān (míngtiān jiàn):

English Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation
I’d like to see you tomorrow. xiǎngmíngtiānjiàn. wǒ xiǎng míngtiān jiàn nǐ.
Okay, see you tomorrow. hǎoba,míngtiānjiàn. hǎo ba, míngtiān jiàn.
We will arrange to see him tomorrow. menjiāngānpáimíngtiānjiàn. wǒmen jiāng ānpái míngtiān jiàn tā.