Before and After in Chinese: 以前 (yǐ​qián) and 以后 (yǐhòu)

How to say “before” in Chinese – 以前 (yǐ​qián)

The Chinese word for “before” is qián (yǐ​qián), and is used slightly differently to English in that it does not come at the beginning of a sentence.

In Chinese “before” comes at the end of the clause, while in English “before” can be used before or after the clause

Chinese: 。。。qián
English: Before。。。
English: 。。。Before

wǒ shàng​xué yǐ​qián, xiǎng​yào chī zǎo​cān

Before school I want to eat breakfast (“before” at beginning of sentence)
I want to each breakfast before school (“before” at beginning of sentence)

Chinese English
(wǒ) I
shàngxué (shàng​xué) attend school
qián (yǐ​qián) before
xiǎngyào (xiǎng​yào) want
chī (chī) eat
zǎocān (zǎo​cān) breakfast
Example Sentence Breakdown

How to say “after” in Chinese – 以后 (yǐhòu)

The Chinese word for “after” is hòu (yǐ​hòu), and is used in the same way as “before” 以前 (yǐ​qián), where it is not placed at the beginning of a sentence.

In Chinese “after” comes at the end of the clause, while in English “after” can be used before or after the clause

Chinese: 。。。hòu
English: After。。。
English: 。。。After

wǒ shàng​xué yǐ​hòu, xiǎng​yào chī wǔ​cān

After school I want to eat lunch (“after” at end of sentence)
I want to each lunch after school (“after” at end of sentence)

Chinese English
(wǒ) I
shàngxué (shàng​xué) attend school
hòu (yǐ​hòu) after
xiǎngyào (xiǎng​yào) want
chī (chī) eat
zǎocān (zǎo​cān) breakfast
Example Sentence Breakdown

Using 以前 (yǐ​qián) and 以后 (yǐhòu) in the past tense

If the sentence happens in the past, you can add le (le) after the verb in the second clause of the sentence. For example:

shàng​xué yǐ​qián, wǒ chī le zǎo​cān

Before school I ate breakfast (past tense)

shàng​xué yǐ​hòu, wǒ chī le wǔ​cān

After school I ate lunch (past tense)

The placement of le (le) after the verb in the second clause may be easier to understand if you remember the sentence structure when using “before” qián (yǐ​qián) or “after” hòu (yǐ​hòu) is:

Sentence structure with “before”: <first clause> qián,<second clause>
Sentence structure with “after”: <first clause> hòu,<second clause>


“before” qián (yǐ​qián) or “after” hòu (yǐ​hòu) are very simple to use, the main points to remember is:

  • Don’t start a sentence with these, they are place at the end of the first clause.
  • le (le) is used to denote past tense and is place after the verb in the second clause of the sentence.